10-14 October 2016 | MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA


Kirk T. Steudle, Director of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) since 2006, oversees MDOT’s over four billion dollar budget, and is responsible for the construction, maintenance, and operation of nearly 10,000 miles of state highways and more than 4,000 state highway bridges at a department with 2,500 employees. 

Steudle is a national leader in the development of Connected Vehicle Technologies, and was the 2014-2015 Chair for the Intelligent Transportation Society of America Board of Directors. He also is a member of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Program Advisory Committee to the U.S. Department of Transportation. Steudle is a Past President of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 

Steudle is a graduate of Lawrence Technological University, where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Construction Engineering, serves on the College of Engineering Advisory Board and he was inducted into their Hall of Fame in 2012.


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