Organisation: VicRoads
Congress Theme:
Smart Cities and New Urban Mobility
Category most closely aligns with:
Roads and Tunnels
VicRoads is the State’s primary Road Authority and is responsible for the operation of approximately 22,000 km of declared roads in Victoria. The Melbourne metropolitan road network has around 3,500 km of arterial roads and approximately 3800 set of traffic signals, also 100km of managed motorways. VicRoads Traffic Management Centre (TMC) monitors the declared road network, primarily focus on the metropolitan area. The TMC handles over 250,000 calls each year responding incidents and events that may affect traffic safety and flow. Advanced telephone and radio communication facilities link the TMC with VicRoads Incident Response Service (IRS), police, emergency services and maintenance personnel, to ensure there is an immediate response to incidents that may affect the safety or flow of traffic. When an incident occurs, TMC staff can instantly respond. Depending on the nature of the situation they may close lanes, reduce the speed limit and program the electronic information signs to warn road users of the incident ahead. During this time the incident can be monitored using the system’s traffic cameras located along the freeway. Technical tour participants will be provided with insight into the operation of VicRoads Traffic Management Centre, and the monitoring techniques, and tools available to TMC operators such CCTV, SCATS, STREAMS, Adinsight traffic detection application.
VicRoads has developed a smarter way to manage the increasing number of trips on our roads so that Victoria remains a great place to live. SmartRoads is an approach that manages competing interests for limited road space by giving priority use of the road to different transport modes at particular times of the day. By deciding which modes have priority on which roads, Melbourne’s road network can work better for everyone. SmartRoads recognises the increasing importance of public transport, walking and cycling as transport modes. It uses a set of guiding principles to establish the priority use of roads by transport mode, time of day, and place of activity. This approach also ensures that decisions about the operation of the road network support integrated land use and transport planning. Under SmartRoads, all road users continue to have access to all roads, but over time, changes are being made to how roads are operated.
Wednesday 12 October 2016: | 1.30pm - 4.30pm |
Thursday 13 October 2016 | 1.30pm - 4.30pm |
Cost: AU$50 incl GST
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Australia to host the 23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems in Melbourne from 10-14 October 2016.
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