10-14 October 2016 | MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA

Smart Cities Hackathon


Date: Saturday 8th - Sunday 9th October 2016
Venue: Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Register today as a Developer, Designer or Entrepreneur
Go to: www.mastercarditshack.com/


The 23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems in Melbourne has teamed up with Mastercard to present the ITS 2016 Mastercard Smart Cities Hackathon, on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th October.

With more than $20,000 in prizes, the Smart City Hack will bring together Australia’s most talented developers, stock investor and entrepreneurs to create a new wave of smart city services and solutions.

Whether we live in them or play in them, cities are hubs of activity.

With more than half the world’s population living in cities and more people than ever visiting them, transportation services in urban areas are facing significant challenges such as overcrowding, congestion, demand management and service availability.

Combining transportation and commerce data can fuel smarter, more inclusive and engaging solutions that make cities more enjoyable environments for people to live in and deliver city services that support local business growth.

ITS 2016 Mastercard Smart City Hackathon at the MCEC will be two action packed days to consider one question; how can we match the data being collected with the transportation being used in order to improve consumer experience, reduce congestion and make navigation seamless for both individuals and goods?

With API’s and support from Mastercard, ITS Australia, City of Melbourne, VicRoads, Intelematics, Data.Vic, Public Transport Victoria, RMIT and RACV, organizations at the heart of urban services, the first ITS Smart City Hack is set to encourage collaboration and innovative thinking.

To register or find out more about #ITSHack take a look at the event website



On demand, on-line access to the ITS 2016 recorded sessions now vailable. Click here to find out more.

Come to Melbourne Australia

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Australia to host the 23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems in Melbourne from 10-14 October 2016.

Cick here to read the latest Media Releases.