10-14 October 2016 | MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA

Associated Meetings

The Congress has developed a tradition of providing open informal sessions and workshops at which new or contentious issues can be discussed by anyone with an interest in that topic. These sessions and workshops are arranged by associated organisations, groups and high level partners to the 2016 World Congress.

Delegates with a Full-Time or Day Registration type are invited to attend these open meetings, unless specified otherwise.

The registration form has options to register for the full week or selected day/s only (Monday – Friday).

ISO/TC 204 Intelligent Transport Systems Forum
Secretariat: United States (ANSI) Intelligent Transportation Society of America

Date: Sunday 2 - Friday 7 October 2016
Venue: Aotea Centre, Auckland New Zealand
Website: www.itsnz.org/events

Not included with ITS 2016 World Congress registration.
Attendance enquiries to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The TC204 Forum will take place in Auckland, hosted by ITS New Zealand for the first time, and brings international experts of the technical committee together with the objective to progress recognised international standards for Intelligent Transport Systems.

The scope of ISO/TC204 is standardization of information, communication and control systems in the field of urban and rural surface transportation, including intermodal and multimodal aspects thereof, traveller information, traffic management, public transport, commercial transport, emergency services and commercial services in the intelligent transport systems (ITS) field. [Excluded: in-vehicle transport information and control systems (ISO / TC 22)].

ISO / TC 204 is responsible for the overall system aspects and infrastructure aspects of intelligent transport systems (ITS), as well as the coordination of the overall ISO work programme in this field including the schedule for standards development, taking into account the work of existing international standardization bodies.

ITS New Zealand Summit 2016
Organisation: ITS New Zealand

Date: Wednesday 5 October 2016
Venue: Aotea Centre, Auckland New Zealand
Website: www.itsnz.org/its-new-zealand-summit

Attendance and Registration:
Not included with ITS 2016 World Congress registration.
Click here to book for the Summit: https://eventdynamics.eventsair.com/its-nz-2016/its-nz-summit/Site/Register

Attend this year’s summit, an opportunity to gain perspective on ITS and sustainability of transport infrastructure. The ITS NZ Summit features presentations and panel discussions from NZ speakers and key members of the ISO TC204 working group. The event will attract over 150 ITS leaders and transport technology proponents from Asia Pacific and around the world. The annual one-day summit will feature respected international and local speakers.

To be held at the Aotea Centre in Auckland, the summit will feature updates and results from local and international projects, research findings and benchmarks for Intelligent Transport Systems, transport standards and safety. Enquiries to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Federation of European Highways and Research Laboratories (FEHRL) General Assembly
Organisation: FEHRL

Date: Sunday 9 October 2016
Time: 9.00am - 5:00pm (lunch and refreshments provided)
Room: Clarendon Room A, level 5, Melbourne Exhibition Centre

This is a coming together of representatives throughout Europe for a general meeting, it is usually held in Europe on conjunction with various conferences. Refreshments and lunch provided.

AASHTO International Day
Organisation: American Association of Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

Date: Monday 10 October 2016
Time: 8.00am - 12:00pm
Room: Meeting Room 109, level 1, Melbourne Convention Centre

For more than a decade, beginning in Nagoya, Japan in 2004, AASHTO Day has taken place at the outset of the ITS World Congresses, attracting a wide array of outstanding speakers and participants to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing public agencies as they deploy technologies to transform our transportation systems. This year also AASHTO with support from USDOT is planning to hold the AASHTO International Day in conjunction with the 2016 ITSWC and seeking participation from around the world who might benefit from the presentations and subsequent conversations on Transportation Infrastructure readiness and integration of currently in place ITS with upcoming and emerging technologies including Connected Vehicle and Autonomous Vehicle and their associated impacts on Transportation Infrastructure operations. The topics to be covered are expected to pan over key policy, procedures and regulations needs and requirements to achieve this seamless infrastructure integration with technologies to offer a reliable transportation system. This is the 13th AASHTO Annual International Day Event.

International Benefits, Evaluation and Costs (IBEC) – Workshop and Book Launch
Organisation: IBEC

Date: Monday 10 October 2016
Time: 1:00pm - 1:30pm (for the Annual General Meeting)
1:30pm - 3:30pm (for the Workshop and Book Launch)
Room: Meeting Room 205, level 2, Melbourne Convention Centre
Attendance/Tickets: Open to ITS professionals, pre-registration required. RSVP by 3 October 2016
Ticket: AU$22 per person (incl GST)
ITS Australia Member AU$88 (incl GST)

Click here to purchase tickets from the ITS Australia website.

In addition to presenting 4 sessions during the Congress, IBEC is pleased to announce an IBEC special event in Melbourne on Monday 10 October. The event will include:

  • Keynote Address.
  • Launch of the book Evaluation of Intelligent Road Transport Systems: Methods and Results, edited and authored by a number of IBEC members.
  • Workshop by some of the book's authors, looking at the evaluation of connected and automated vehicle initiatives.

Enquiries to IBEC Co-Chair Andrew Somers This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sustainability and Safety in ITS Focus Group
Organisation: ITS New Zealand and ITS Australia

Date: Monday 10 October 2016
Time: 7:30am-10:30am (breakfast provided)
Room: Meeting Room 105, level 1, Melbourne Convention Centre

The Sustainability and Safety in ITS Focus Group is an initiative by ITS New Zealand and ITS Australia, started in China during the 2015 ITS Asia Pacific Forum, to establish a new group to collaborate, and share information on sustainability and safety practices and experiences in ITS. The initiative had good support from many members and the following are founding ITS-related regions and organizations:

Inaugural Sustainability and Safety in ITS Focus Group:

  1. ITS New Zealand
  2. ITS Australia
  3. China ITS Industry Alliance
  4. ITS Finland
  5. ITS Germany
  6. ITS Korea/KOTI
  7. ITS Norway
  8. ITS Singapore
  9. South African Bureau of Standards
  10. ITS Sweden
  11. ITS Taiwan
  12. ITS United Kingdom

Goals of the Sustainability and Safety in ITS Focus Group:

  • Share information on areas / sectors / use cases where sustainability and safety practices have been used to improve safety and mobility.
  • Promote the implementation of sustainable and safety practices to reduce casualties, improve mobility, efficiency and impacts on the environment.
  • Share information and experiences in relation to better disaster management and recovery by the use of ITS.
  • Share successes with participating nations.
  • Reach out to and support new/potential members of the Group.

Invited presenters from across the globe will be present in Melbourne for the World Congress. Please join us by registering and we look forward to seeing you in October 2016.

FOT-Net Data International Workshop: Data sharing and re-use in Field Operational Tests
Organisation: FOT-NET Data EC-funded project

Date: Monday 10 October
Time: 9:00am - 3.40pm
Room: Meeting Room 103, level 1, Melbourne Convention Centre

IMPORTANT:Separate registration is required to attend this particular workshop, free to attend: http://fot-net.eu/fot-net-data-its-melbourne/

This workshop is organised in collaboration with the US Department of Transportation (DOT).
FOT-Net is a networking platform open to stakeholders interested in Field Operational Tests (FOTs). It was established in 2008 as a European Commission’s support action. FOT-Net meets periodically to tackle common working issues and foster cross-region cooperation. The three regions (Europe, Asia-Pacific and North America) cooperate on common FOT issues, such as data handling and sharing, methodology and deployment. The FOT-Net Data project operates the network activities during 2014–2016. Besides the networking, the main goal of the project is to make data collected in FOTs more widely available to researchers, public authorities and industry. FOT-Net Data therefor develops and promotes a framework for sharing data, including several guidelines, and creates a catalogue of available datasets and tools. It takes into account the pre-requisites necessary in the FOTs, such as legal agreements, to enable future re-use of data.

This workshop will focus practices and initiatives in data sharing and re-use for Field Operation Tests taking. The following points will be discussed:

  • Successful stories and lessons learnt from data sharing and re-use (mainly from EU and US)
  • FOT-NET Data achievements in supporting data sharing (2014-2016)
  • Future challenges and exploitation of the current available platform (Data catalogue – EU; RDE - USA)
    • How to support international collaboration?
    • How the next EC funded H2020 projects (e.g. for automated vehicles) in Europe will tackle the issues of data sharing and reuse?

Enabling Intelligent Transport Systems
Organisation: Spatial Industries Business Association (SIBA)

Date: Tuesday 11 October 2016
Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm
Room: Meeting Room 109, level 1, Melbourne Convention Centre

Location Technologies are key drivers, supporters and enablers of intelligent transport.  As part of your ITS World Congress registration you are invited to attend this enlightening showcase of Location Technology.

In this rapid fire session meet 10 different providers of innovative Location Technologies and learn how they can contribute to your ITS solutions.

For further information

User-Centric Transport Using ITS
Organisation: Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories (FENHRL)

Date: Tuesday 11 October 2016
Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Room: Meeting Room 109, level 1, Melbourne Convention Centre

ITS/ICT have the highest impact on flow of user information. User information originates from the information provider and needs to be delivered to the end user via ITS/ICT infrastructure. It is critical to properly design the communication infrastructure but more importantly to identify critical nodes and interchanges so user information gets delivered in real time. The meeting will discuss the concept of truly user-centric transport (using ITS) that offers integrated door-to-door journeys and seamless flow of information across all modes.

ITS Development and Deployment in Developing Countries in the Asian Region
Organisation: The Korea Transport Institute (KOTI)​

Date: Tuesday 11 October 2016
Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Room: Meeting Room 109, level 1, Melbourne Convention Centre


This specific focus session will be a unique opportunity for ITS leaders from the Asian region to gather and explore both the significant opportunities available from the deployment of ITS in developing countries as well some of the complexities and challenges. In some instances developing nations can leap frog to the latest technologies but in other instances limits to existing physical infrastructure can be a serious impediment.  Make sure you join these key leaders to better appreciate the opportunities that lie ahead in Asia and strategies to overcome the challenges.  

Dr Young-Jun Moon, Chief Director, National Transport Technology R&D Center, The Korea Transport Institute (KOTI)

Mr Tyrrell Duncan, Technical Advisor (Transport), Asian Development Bank
Dr Li Bin, Deputy Director of China National ITS Research Center, Ministry of Transport, P.R.China
Mr Graham Ackers, Manager, Intelligent Transport Systems, GHD Pty Ltd

Port of the Future
Organisation: ERTICO-ITS Europe

Date: Wednesday 12 October 2016
Time: 7:00am - 10:00am
Room: Meeting Room 109, level 1, Melbourne Convention Centre

Welcome address, Hermann Meyer, ERTICO-ITS Europe

Session 1: Challenges that Ports are facing around the world

  • Introduction to the Port of the Future Initiative,      Lina Konstantinopoulou,  ERTICO-ITS Europe
  • Port of Hamburg, Germany, Sascha Westermann,
  • Port of Fremantle, Australia, Michael Pal
  • Port of Singapore, Singapore, Nelson Quek
  • Port of Montreal, Canada, Daniel Dagenais

Session 2: Port of the Future technology trends

  • Automation in containers, Luke Duffy, Container Chain CEO
  • Connecting roads to Ports – an example in the Netherlands, Serge Van Dam, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
  • The role of Automated driving in Ports, Angelos Amditis, ICCS Research Director
  • Internet of things for Freight, German Herrero, ATOS Head of ITS
  • The future of Transportation Management Solutions, Thierry Morin, SAP Principal engineer
  • Connected Port Community System, Michael Bouari, 1-Stop CEO

Working towards a combined vision of the ‘’Port of the future Initiative’’

Technical Tours to the Port of Melbourne are available for those who are interested – separate bookings required (places limited). Agenda and enquiries can be found here: http://erticonetwork.com/join-port-future-event-melbourne/ and bookings can be made here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/port-of-the-future-tickets-27521148496

National Co-Ordination in Australia for the Deployment and Management of Automated Vehicles
Organisation: Roads Australia

Date: Wednesday 12 October 2016
Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm
Room: Meeting Room 109, level 1, Melbourne Convention Centre

Public and private sector organisations across Australia are working to integrate automated vehicles into the nation's transport network to improve mobility choices for all Australians. Regulatory reviews are underway, legislative requirements and options are being assessed, changes in design rules and technical standards are being discussed and a diversity of vehicle trials are being implemented in many different environments. The impact on existing road infrastructure is a priority. This session discusses national co-ordination for the deployment and management of automated vehicles in an Australian context.


On demand, on-line access to the ITS 2016 recorded sessions now vailable. Click here to find out more.

Come to Melbourne Australia

Click here to view the latest media coverage for ITS World Congress 2016

Australia to host the 23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems in Melbourne from 10-14 October 2016.

Cick here to read the latest Media Releases.