10-14 October 2016 | MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA


Please check your registration type to confirm your catering entitlements. Fulltime congress delegates are entitled to morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on each day of the congress (11 - 14 October). Day delegates are entitled to the same on their chosen day of registration.
All delegate catering will be severed adjacent to the congress exhibition. Entry to the delegate catering area will be via the congress exhibition.
Additional catering will be available in the Congress café within the exhibition hall. The Congress café will be open at the following times. 

Tuesday 11 October  1100 - 1500 hours
Wednesday 12 October 1100 - 1500 hours
Thursday 13 October 1100 - 1500 hours
Friday 14 October 1100 - 1400 hours

Congress App 

This will include information on technical tours, demonstrations, social events, program and speakers, delegate to delegate messaging, mapping, social media, and much more. Use the Activity Feed to post about your congress experience to everyone, and check the leader board to see who’s been the most active! Can you beat them and who will be the winner?
You can download the ITSWC app now from www.its2016.eventapp.com.au or simply search for ‘ITS World Congress 2016’ in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Login with your unique code to access the full range of features, some of which are only available to Fulltime and Day Registered delegates. (Unique access codes will be emailed to delegates once registration is completed).

Exhibition opening hours

The ITS 2016 World Congress Exhibition will be open at the following times:

Monday 10 October 1730 - 2030 hours
Tuesday 11 October 0830 - 1900 hours
Wednesday 12 October 0830 - 1900 hours
Thursday 13 October 0830 - 1800 hours
Friday 14 October 0800 - 1400 hours


Please click here to view the venue floorplans. Please note that there is comprehensive mapping provided by HERE in the Congress App. 


Construction of Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre’s (MCEC) new multi-purpose building is currently underway alongside Convention Centre Place, opposite South Wharf DFO and Hilton Melbourne South Wharf.
Please note that building entrances, pedestrian footpaths, vehicle access and bicycle routes may be altered during the construction period. We encourage you to follow the directional signage in place to navigate around the construction zone.
Car parking spaces are currently limited within the surrounding construction zone, and in particular, the Exhibition Centre car park (entry off Normanby Road) quickly reaches capacity on busy event days.
We recommend parking at the Siddeley Street Car Park located off Wurundjeri Way which is a short walk across Seafarers Bridge to MCEC.
MCEC car parking information sheet

Public transport

Most of Melbourne’s main attractions are within walking distance to the forum venue and recommended hotels; however public transport is easily accessible and affordable.
Myki is Melbourne’s smartcard ticketing system. With myki you can travel on all of Melbourne’s trains, trams and buses. A myki can be purchased from train stations, some tram stops and bus interchanges, 7 Eleven stores, retail outlets and newsagents displaying the myki sign. A myki visitor pack containing a map, instructions for use, a myki card with enough value for one day’s travel in Zone 1 (the entire tram network) and discounts to various Melbourne attractions is also available for purchase from the Melbourne Visitor Centre.
For more information about public transport, including ticketing and planning your journey, visit www.ptv.vic.gov.au

Registration opening hours

Your Congress materials together with your name badge can be collected from the registration desk located in the Melbourne Convention Centre foyer. 
Registration will be open at the following times:

Sunday 9 October 1430 - 2000 hours
Monday 10 October 0700 - 2000 hours
Tuesday 11 October 0800 - 1900 hours
Wednesday 12 October 0800 - 1900 hours
Thursday 13 October 0800 - 1800 hours
Friday 14 October 0800 - 1630 hours


Melbourne Airport is serviced by the Skybus Super Shuttle—the only bus service linking the airport to the city. Tickets are available from the driver; from the information booth outside the terminal; or from the Skybus Super Shuttle website. Tickets prices (as at May 2012) are AUD17 one way or AUD28 return. For more information visit:www.skybus.com.au

Speaker lounge opening hours

All speakers will need to check into the speaker lounge at least two hours prior to their presentation. The opening hours are as follows:

Monday 10 October 1200 - 1730 hours
Tuesday 11 October 0800 - 1730 hours
Wednesday 12 October 0800 - 1730 hours
Thursday 13 October 0800 - 1730 hours
Friday 14 October 0800 - 1630 hours


Taxis have their own taxi ranks or can be hailed from the street. Taxis are available from the ground floor level of Melbourne Airport, outside the international terminal and both domestic terminals. Expect a taxi fare of around AUD60 for a taxi ride between the CBD and Melbourne Airport. Melbourne’s major taxi companies include:
13 CABS: 13 22 27—within Australia only
Arrow: 13 22 11—within Australia only
Embassy taxis: 13 17 55—within Australia only
Silver top taxis:13 10 08—within Australia only


On demand, on-line access to the ITS 2016 recorded sessions now vailable. Click here to find out more.

Come to Melbourne Australia

Click here to view the latest media coverage for ITS World Congress 2016

Australia to host the 23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems in Melbourne from 10-14 October 2016.

Cick here to read the latest Media Releases.