10-14 October 2016 | MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA


 It is with great pleasure that I invite you to Melbourne to participate in the ITS World Congress, October 10 to 14, 2016. ITS Australia is delighted to be hosting the 23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 2016 on behalf of ITS Asia Pacific, ITS America and ERTICO.

“ITS—Enhancing Liveable Cities and Communities” is the theme for the Congress, bringing Melbourne's reputation as the world's most liveable city into the spotlight as we explore the benefits that ITS delivers to critical elements of our daily life.

Australia is at the forefront of development and deployment of ITS technologies in many fields. With a unique landscape Australia’s ITS industry has risen to the challenge of delivering solutions to enhance our daily lives. Our population is clustered in big cities with large urban areas where ITS technology such as managed motorways and free flow tolling are being leveraged to maintain the mobility of our growing cities. Long transport distances across our vast country encourage innovation and adoption of technology across our heavy vehicle fleet to enhance safety and efficiency. Australia has a strong and innovative mining sector that has embraced ITS technology such as driverless trains and driverless vehicles to improve efficiency and safety in tough economic conditions. Similar to other countries, the important contribution that ITS can make to minimising harm from natural disasters has been recognised and is increasingly being deployed to great effect.

In collaboration with ITS Asia Pacific, ERTICO and ITS America, ITS Australia is working to prepare an engaging program.  In the tradition of ITS World Congresses there will be plenary, scientific, technical and interactive sessions, a dynamic exhibition plus technical demonstration and tours that showcase the applications of the latest ITS technology.  This will be an opportunity for policy makers, practitioners, researchers and ITS providers to share information on social needs, opinions and technical developments addressing modern transport issues. 

Living in an ever connected world, these themes are even more pressing in our busy cities and communities.  This World Congress will be Australia's opportunity to foster further international cooperation in unleashing the power of ITS. 

While visiting the World Congress I encourage you to extend your stay to experience the hospitality and natural beauty of Australia and our close neighbour New Zealand.  We look forward to warmly welcoming you all to Melbourne in 2016. 

ITS Australia President
Brian Negus





On demand, on-line access to the ITS 2016 recorded sessions now vailable. Click here to find out more.

Come to Melbourne Australia

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Australia to host the 23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems in Melbourne from 10-14 October 2016.

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